2.15.2 (2017-09-28)¶
Bug fixes
- Fix existing path split in particular cases where postgis doesn’t see real intersections.
- Fix project and intervention detail template.
- Fix synchronization of POI media other than images
- Include pois, parking and reference points to compute PDF map zoom
2.15.1 (2017-08-23)¶
New features
- Add es translation for PDF
- Add mailssl setting
Bug fixes
- Fix APIDAE import illustrations
- Fix double import parsers
- Fix cirkwi export
- Select only published POIs in GPX and KML files
- Remove deprecated experimental setting
- Fix HTML tags & entities in feedback email
2.15.0 (2017-07-13)¶
New features
- API v2 Beta 1. Optimized multilingual filtered endpoints for paths, treks, tours and pois.
- See HTML doc and examples in /api/v2/. Authentication with Basic HTTP (
- Don’t use it in production without HTTPS
Bug fixes
- Fix pdf default public templates (weasyprint)
- Fix screamshotter standalone install (map screenshots)
2.14.1 (2017-06-22)¶
Bug fixes
- Refactor signals pre / post migrate according Django 1.8
- Update translations
- Fix path splitting
- Fix AutoLogin Middleware with mapentity 3.1.4
- Upgrade to version 2.14.0 is only possible from version 2.13.0
New features
- Upgrade to Django 1.8. This is a big step, migrations are reset, please backup before upgrade.
- Ability to skip attachment download in parsers and use external links.
Minor changes
- Possibility to exclude pois in cirkwi xml export by adding ?withoutpois=1 to url (http://XXXXX/api/cirkwi/circuits.xml?withoutpois=1
- Add MOBILE_TILES_EXTENSION setting (for compatibility with old mobile apps, set it to ‘png’)
- API optimization
- Disable auto size for service icon in trek description.
Bug fixes
- Fix topologies and cities intersections
2.13.0 (2017-03-02)¶
Minor changes
- MOBILE_TILES_URL settings is now a list which can be used to merge different layers in mobile application
2.12.0 (2017-02-16)¶
New features
- add loadsignage command
Minor changes
- add field implantation_year to model BaseInfrastructure
- add field owner to model LandEdge
- add field agreement to model LandEdge
2.11.4 (2017-02-01)¶
Bug fixes
- Remove deprecated datasource (replaced by import parsers)
- Stop if make update or wget fails
- Create database with right owner if user exists but database does not
- Make sure supervisor service is started after install
- Fix HTML entities in feedback email
- Fix cirkwi export for treks with multilinestring geom
Minor changes
- Add filter usages on paths
- Add filters name and description on infrastructures and signages
- Add picture to PDF for feedback reports (only in Weasyprint mode)
2.11.3 (2016-11-15)¶
Bug fixes
- Upgrade mapentity (fix map centering in PDF exports)
- Fix cirkwi export when trek geom is not a linestring
2.11.2 (2016-09-15)¶
Bug fixes
- Do not synchronize not-published treks with published but deleted parents
- Allow to specify portal in touristic content parsers
- Fix import of type1 in HebergementsSitraParser
- Fix source and portal missing in shapefile exports
- Improve performances of DEM computation for huge treks
2.11.1 (2016-08-17)¶
Minor changes
- Fix slug URL for “oe” ligature
- Improve zoom of map captures in PDF
2.11.0 (2016-08-02)¶
Bug fixes
- Fix weasyprint install
- Fix label displayed twice with Sitra Parser
Minor changes
- Update translations
- Update import documentation
- Record source is no nore structure related
New features
- ability to filter synchronized content with different portals
2.10.4 (2016-05-19)¶
Breaking changes
- Deprecate MAPENTITY_WEASYPRINT setting. Now public PDF use Weasyprint HTML templates and private PDF use legacy ODT template.
Minor changes
- Improve altitude profile computation (increase smoothing)
- Improve HTML templates for public exports
- Improve SITRA parser
- Allow to use source variable in PDF templates
Bug fixes
- Fix comparison of zip files to keep mtime when nothing changed
- Upgrade simplekml lib (should fix KML exports)
2.10.3 (2016-05-11)¶
Minor changes
- Update default pictograms for touristic content categories
- Update default pictograms for themes
Bug fixes
- Workaround a bun in supervisor init script
- Fix multilinestring instead of linestring in trek shapefile parser
2.10.2 (2016-04-12)¶
Minor changes
- Add source filter to touristic contents/events
- Allow installation as root (not recommended, use with caution)
Bug fixes
- Restore contents deleted and then created again in EspritParcParser
- Add a warning if type1/type2 is not created in EspritParcParser
- Replace input by textarea in flatpage form
2.10.1 (2016-03-17)¶
Bug fixes
- Allow access to information desks in API (and so to map capture and PDF) for unpublished treks
Minor changes
- Parsers improvements
2.10.0 (2016-03-03)¶
New features
- Add support for Ubuntu 15.04 Vivid
Breaking changes
- Remove TileCache service (you should set up tiles source with LEAFLET_CONFIG variable in geotrek/settings/ now)
- Run supervisor as root (you should now run sudo supervisorctl instead of ./bin/supervisor)
- Move nginx and supervisor logs to system dir /var/log/
Minor changes
- Update default pictograms for difficulty levels
Bug fixes
- Fix sync_rando after deleting a trek with children
2.9.3 (2016-02-25)¶
Bug fixes
- Fix line break at start of contact in EspritParcParser
Minor changes
- Add parameters.json and themes.json files to API
2.9.2 (2016-02-17)¶
Minor changes
- Increase web link size
Bug fixes
- Fix path split
- Fix attachment parsing with same document type for several structures
2.9.1 (2016-02-10)¶
Bug fixes
- Don’t forget to sync touristic contents/events media when skipping PDF
- Don’t delete attachments of other objects when importing
- Don’t delete other objects when constant fields are set in parsers
2.9.0 (2016-02-04)¶
New features
- Add parser for brand “Esprit Parc National”
Bug fixes
- Set user structure as related structure for all new objects
2.8.0 (2016-01-28)¶
New features
- Use POI pictures in PDF if the trek has no picture itself
- Use a placeholder in PDF if there is no picture
- Parser to import touristic contents from SITRA
- Add list of all information desks to API
Bug fixes
- Allow NULL values for id_externe fields in database
- Fix missing elements (eg. POI enumeration) on trek map capture
- Prevent overlaping controls at bottom of list view
- Translation of column names in shapefiles export
- UTF-8 and truncated alerts in shapefile export
2.7.2 (2016-01-26)¶
Bug fixes
- Synchronize touristic events with no end date
- Fix PDF synchronization (eg. missing list of POI)
2.7.0 (2016-01-14)¶
New features
- New button to add Youtube videos in flat pages
Bug fixes
- Fix iframe inclusion in flatpages.
- Fix double column buttons in gridmanager.
- Fix validation on flatpages for combo external_url + content.
- Fix responsive layout for provided templates in flatpages.
- Fix event link to closest visible path only
- Do not log anymore an error when submitting a form with an empty geometry
2.6.0 (2015-12-30)¶
New features
- Customization of practices ordering
Bug fixes
- Synchronize record source pictograms
- Add buttons to attachment update form
- Fix timestamps in database when connection with timezone other than UTC
2.5.2 (2015-12-29)¶
Bug fixes
- Fix hyphenation language in public PDF templates
- Add parents to trek public PDF template
- Fix numbering style in trek public PDF template
- Show points of reference over other features on trek detail map
2.5.1 (2015-12-18)¶
Bug fixes
- Trek public PDF fixes (size of service pictos, style of numbered lists, stages)
2.5.0 (2015-12-08)¶
New features
- Order has been added to flatpages which is reflected in the export for geotrek-rando frontend.
- Added 2 templates buttons for flatpages creating two layouts
- Option to add pois pictures to trek ones in Geotrek-Rando
Bug fixes
- Generate tiles zip files for all children of published treks
- Fix URL of video/audio media in API
- Fix default filtering of past touristic events in UI
2.4.2 (2015-11-26)¶
Bug fixes
- Fix permissions of sync rando output directory
- Fix filtering by source in sync_rando
2.4.1 (2015-11-25)¶
Bug fixes
- Condition field of infrastructures is no more required
- Fix zipfile detection at import.
- Fix error handling at import (raise exception to browser).
2.4.0 (2015-11-18)¶
New features
- Paths can be merged
- Add trek parents to API
- Allow to sync public web site from web interface
- Add begin and end dates to touristic events list
- Filter conmpleted touristic events by default
Bug fixes
- Prevent concurrent imports and/or synchronization
- Fix rendering of HTML markup in weasyprint templates
- Fix missing publication field in some cases
2.3.0 (2015-11-09)¶
New features
- Sync rando now synchronizes touristic contents and events.
- Sync rando now exports only future events based on current date.
- Sync rando now synchronizes touristic content categories.
Bug fixes
- Added a custom validation to accept url only contribution in flatpages without content.
- Sync rando now handles crashes when it calls django views.
2.2.0 (2015-10-09)¶
New features
- Added normalisation for altimetry’s json export
- Clarify 2D/3D lengths (fixes #1400)
Bug fixes
- Change plural on accessibility label for admin filter
2.1.0 (2015-09-29)¶
Breaking changes
- Instead of storing the parent of a trek, Geotrek now stores the children of a trek. This allows to use the same trek in several parents and to order them. WARNING! Existing parent/child relation are lost. You will have to set them again after upgrade. Fixes #1479
New features
- Add trek infos (aka services for now)
- Add email sent to reporting user after submit
- Handle multiple reservation systems (fixes #1488)
- Add an option to sync_rando to filter by source (fixes #1480)
- Add add condition field to infrastructure table (fixes #1494)
- New Geotrek logo
Bug fixes
- Reload supervisor configuration after Geotrek upgrade
- Fix projection of waypoints in GPX exports
- Prevent unnecessary save for geom fields if they are not updated. This prevents triggering geom recalculation in postgres.
- Fix crash in case of missing or invalid picture
- Fix feedback API
- Unzip eggs to fix templates not found error
- Various parsers (import system) fixes and improvements
- Document server migration
2.0.0 (2015-07-20)¶
Breaking changes
- Rework API URL schemas
New features
- Static API to disconnect Geotrek-rando from Geotrek-Admin (fixes #1428)
- Build zip files for mobile application
- Trek / Touristic content association distance depending on trek practice
- Option to hide published treks nearby topologies
- Add previous/next treks and category slugs to geojson API
- Add external id in trekking/tourism detail pages and exports
- Zip touristic contents as POI for mobile app v1
- Add external id field on Path
- Order intersections in Geotrek light mode
- Add reservation id field for touristic contents
- Integration of WeasyPrint to generate PDF from HTML/CSS instead of ODT
Bug fixes
- Remove HTTP calls to SoundCloud API at serialization
- Allow DEM to partially cover spatial extent
0.35.0 (2015-07-10)¶
New features
- Add an import framework
Bug fixes
- Fix a crash in appy pod (PDF generation)
- Fix login with restricted access to some contents
- Fix buildout bootstrap arguments
0.34.0 (2015-05-20)¶
New features
- Itinerancy (parent/children treks)
- Allow to choose ordering of categories for Geotrek-Rando
- Bootstrap grid editor for flatpages
- Approved touristic contents and events
- Option to split trek category by practice or accessibility
Bug fixes
- Fix duration notation
- Flatten altimetry profiles
Bug fixes
- Show accessibility in trek detail page (fixes #1399)
0.33.4 (2015-04-07)¶
Bug fixes
- Ensure trek duration is a positive number
- Fix cirkwi exports (second try)
- Fix public PDF templates
0.33.2 (2015-04-01)¶
Bug fixes
- Remove italian from fixtures
- Fix crash when generating two PDF in parallel
0.33.0 (2015-03-25)¶
Breaking changes
- A new permission “Can publish ...” is required to publish treks, pois, touristic contents and touristic events. Grant it to your users and groups if need be
- DB table
is renamed asl_b_source_troncon
New features
- Publication workflow (fixes #1018)
- Allow to add links to Youtube or Soundcloud media as attachment
- Make pictograms optional in some places when not required by Geotrek-Rando
- Add source for treks, touristic contents and touristic events (fixes #1354)
- Add external id field for treks, pois, touristic contents and touristic events
- Group cirkwi matchings in admin site (fixes #1402)
Bug fixes
- Fix projection of OSM link in feedback email
- Fix language in cirkwi exports
0.32.2 (2015-03-06)¶
Bug fixes
- Home now redirects to treks list in light version (without topologies)
- Fix Cirkwi export in light version
- Fix SRID in database migrations
- Add signage type filter again (fixes #1352)
- Add missing date filters to touristic events list
0.32.0 (2015-03-04)¶
New features
- Export to cirkwi/espace loisirs IGN. After upgrade, run
bin/django loaddata cirkwi
to load data cirkwi tags and categories - Wysiwyg editor for static web pages
Bug fixes
- Hide not published static pages in public REST API
0.31.0 (2015-03-02)¶
New features
- Add support of Ubuntu 14.04 to installer
- Public PDF for touristic contents/events (fixes #1206)
- Add treks close to other treks in REST API
- Add pictograms for trek accessibilities, touristic content types and touristic event types
Bug fixes
- Show edit button when having bypass structure permission
- Export missing fields in list exports (fixes #1167)
- Fix formating of float and boolean values in list exports (fixes #1366, #1380)
- Fix french translation
- Allow anonymous access to altimetry API for public objects
- Hide not published and deleted items in public REST API
0.30.0 (2015-02-19)¶
Breaking changes
- Trek practice (formerly usage) is no single valued so if a trek has multiple usages only one will be kept after upgrade. Others will be lost!
- After upgrade, run
make load_data
to load fixtures for accessibilities or create them by hand. You should clean-up the list of practices by hand. - Don’t forget to set up permissions to administrate practices and accessibilities.
New features
- Split trek usage field into practice and accessibility
- Treks and POIs are now structure related
- Allow anonymous access to media related to published items
- Check model read permission to give access to media
- Add a settings to set up CORS (cross-origin resource sharing)
- Allow to get POIs for a specific trek in REST API
- Consistent REST API (type1, type2, category for treks, touristic contents and touristic events)
Bug fixes
- Ensure path snapping is done on the closest point and is idempotent
- Fix language of PNG elevation charts
- Fix logo on login page
- Fix logs rotation
- Fix permissions creation
0.29.0 (2015-02-04)¶
New features
- GeoJSON API with all properties for Trek and Tourism
Bug fixes
- Fix permissions required to sync static Web pages
- Fix geom computation on line topologies with offset
0.28.6 (2014-12-18)¶
Bug fixes
- Fix 3D length shorter than 2D length (run sql command
UPDATE l_t_troncon SET geom=geom;
after upgrade to update altimetry informations of existing geometries) - Fix translation of “Information desks” in public trek PDF
- Fix prepare_map_images and prepare_elevation_charts commands failing for deleted objects and for objects without geom
0.28.5 (2014-12-09)¶
Bug fixes
- Fix DEM optimizations when minimum elevation is zero (fixes #1291)
- Fix regression for translations of tourism (fixes #1315)
- Fix duplicate entries with year filter (fixes #1324)
- French user manual first step about general interface
New features
- Set PostgreSQL search_path at user level (fixes #1311)
- Show 3D and 2D length in detail pages (fixes #1101)
- Show length and elevation infos in trail and all statuts detail pages (fixes #1222)
- Show trail length in list and exports (fixes #1282)
- Replace stake by length in path list (fixes #956, fixes #1281)
- Add subcontracting in intervention filter (fixes #1144)
- Add missing fields in project filter (fixes #219, fixes #910)
- Show status in interventions table among detail pages (fixes #1193)
- Add missing field in projects exports (ref #1167)
- Add length column to land module lists
- Number of workers and request timeout can be now configured in
- Various improvements on trek public template, by Camille Monchicourt
0.28.4 (2014-11-21)¶
Bug fixes
- Fix mouse position indicator on
page when map tiles have Google projection - Fix missing filters in trails list (fixes #1297)
- Fix infrastructure main type filter (fixes #1096)
- Fix flatpage creation without external url in adminsite
- Fix path detail page where deleted objects were shown (fixes #1302)
- Fix position of POIs on trek detail maps (fixes #1209)
- Fix TinyMCE not preserving colors (fixes #1170)
- Raise validation error instead of crashing when submitted topology is empty (fixes #1272)
- Fix mention of MAP_STYLES (ref #1226)
Changes in experimental features
- Renamed usage to type in touristic events (fixes #1289)
0.28.3 (2014-11-12)¶
Bug fixes
- Fix upload form author/legend format (fixes #1293)
- Fixes history list (ref #1276)
- Prevent email to be sent twice on conversion error. Use info instead.
- Fix paperclip translations missing (fixes #1294)
- Fix filetypes not being filtered by structure (fixes #1292)
- Fix apparence of multiple-choices in forms (fixes #1295)
0.28.2 (2014-11-05)¶
Bug fixes
- Fix upgrade of django-leaflet to 0.15.0 (overlay layers)
- Fix apparence of overlay layers for tourism when experimental features are disabled
- Fix plural in tourism translation
- Fix unit tests
- Run this command to set the default information desk type with the original pictogram (or select a pictogram from the adminsite)
cd Geotrek-0.28.2/
curl "" > var/media/upload/desktype-info.svg
0.28.1 (2014-11-05)¶
Bug fixes
- Fix deployment when tourism is not enabled
- Fix default duration when invalid value is filled (fixes #1279)
- Fix year filters for intervention, infrastructure and project (fixes #1287)
- Fix list filters not being restored (fixes #1236)
0.28.0 (2014-11-04)¶
Breaking changes
- Before running install, run this SQL command to add a column for file attachments :
ALTER TABLE fl_t_fichier ADD COLUMN marque boolean DEFAULT false;
New features
- Information desks now have a type (Maison du parc, Tourist office, ...) with the ability to set dedicated pictograms (fixes #1192).
- Ability to control which picture will be used in trek, using clicks on stars in attachments list (fixes #1117)
- Ability to edit attachments from detail pages directly (fixes #177, the 5th oldest issue!)
- Add missing columns in intervention exports (fixes #1167)
- Add ability (for super-admin) to add/change/delete zoning objects in Adminsite (ref #1246)
- Add ability to have paths records in database that will not appear in Geotrek
lists and maps. Just set column
to false inl_t_troncon
table. - Add ability to add external overlay tile layers (fixes #1203)
Bug fixes
- Fix position of attachment upload form on small screens
- Clearer action message in object history table
- Prevent image ratio warning from disappearing (fixes #1225)
- Touristic contents
- Touristic events
Internal changes
Upgraded Chosen library for dropdown form fields
column default value to false on paths tablel_t_troncon
(fixes #1217)All information desks are now available in GeoJSON (will be useful to show them all at once on Geotrek-rando).
All tables and functions are now stored in different schemas. It allows to distinguish Geotrek objects from postgreSQL and PostGIS, and to grant user privileges by schema. It is also easier to browse objects in pgAdmin and QGis.
Caution: if you created additional database users, you may have to change their
and/or theirUSAGE
Experimental features
- We introduced models for touristic contents and events. In order to load example values for categories and types, run the following commands:
bin/django loaddata geotrek/tourism/fixtures/basic.json
cp geotrek/tourism/fixtures/upload/* var/media/upload/
- We introduced models for static pages, allowing edition of public static Web pages from Geotrek adminsite.
In order to enable those features under construction, add experimental = True
. Note that none of them are used in Geotrek-rando yet.
notes: | Give related permissions to the managers group in order to allow edition
0.27.2 (2010-10-14)¶
Bug fixes
- Fix elevation info not being computed when intervention is created (ref #1221)
- Fix list of values for infrastructure and signage types (fixes #1223)
- Signages can now be lines if setting SIGNAGE_LINE_ENABLED is True (fixes #1141)
- Fix HTML tags in PDF exports (fixes #1235)
- Fix regression with Geotrek light
0.27.0 (2010-10-09)¶
Breaking changes
- Attribute for single information desk was removed (was used in Geotrek-rando < 1.29)
- Renamed setting
- Renamed setting
. They are now a dictionnary by object type (see example)
New features
- POI publication is now controlled like treks
- POI now have a public PDF too
- Introduced
setting to control list page viewport margin around spatial extent fromsettings.ini
(default: 0.1 degree)
notes: | After upgrading, mark all POIs as published in the languages of your choice UPDATE o_t_poi SET public_fr = TRUE;
UPDATE o_t_poi SET date_publication = now();
Bug fixes
- Add missing credit for main picture in trek PDF (fixes #1178)
- Paths module is now removed from user interface in Geotrek-light mode.
(i.e. with
) - Make sure text fields are cleared (fixes #1207)
- Intervention subcontracting was missing in detail pages (fixes #1201)
- Make sure TLS is disabled when
is False in settings - Fix list of POIs in path detail pages (fixes #1213)
- Fix highlight from map for project list page (fixes #1180)
Internal changes
- Extracted the trek publication to a generic and reusable notion
- Complete refactor of Trek JSON API, now taking advantage of Django REST framework instead of custom code
- Added read/write REST API on all entities
- Refactored URLs declaration for altimetry and publishable entities
- Change editable status of topology paths in Django forms, since it was posing problems with Django-rest-framework
- Add elevation profile SVG URL in trek detail JSON (fixes #1205)
- Simplified upgrade commands for
, and mention advanced configuration file
0.26.3 (2014-09-15)¶
Bug fixes
- Fix pretty trek duration when duration is between 24 and 48H (fixes #1188)
- Invalidate projet maps captures when interventions change, and treks maps when POIs change (fixes #1181)
0.26.1 (2014-08-21)¶
Bug fixes
- Upgrade django-mapentity for bug fix in ODT export and list of values in detail pages
0.26.0 (2014-08-21)¶
New features
- Interventions in project detail page is now shown as a simple table (ref #214)
- A generic system for interaction between objects attributes and details map was developped. It works with project interactions, topologies paths, etc. (ref #214)
- Show enumeration of interventions in project PDF exports (fixes #960)
- Number of POIs in now limited to 14 items in trek export (ref #1120)
- Number of information desks in now limited to 2 items in trek export (ref #1120).
See settings
- Justify texts of POIs in trek export, now converted to plain text.
- Trek export geometries are now translucid red by default (see
setting) (ref #1120) - Paths apparence in trek exports are now controlled by MAP_STYLES setting too.
- Images attachments are now resized to 800x800 for publication (instead of 500x500)
- Clarify intervention cost by function and mandays (fixes #1169)
Bug fixes
- Fix paths layer not being shown in detail pages (fixes #1161)
- Fix position of point topologies when closest path is not perpendicular (fixes #1156)
- Prevent parking to be cropped on map exports (fixes #1006)
Upgrades notes
Since the map export have changed, empty the cache :
rm -rf var/media/maps/*
0.25.2 (2014-08-14)¶
Bug fixes
- Fix translation of Job in intervention form (fixes #1090)
- Fix form error when no geometry is provided (fixes #1082)
- Show attachments in adminsite (fixes #1162)
- Fix JSON formatting of object attachment lists in API
0.25.1 (2014-08-01)¶
Bug fixes
- Fix Geotrek CSS not being deployed properly
- Fix trek relationships causing errors for PDF export
0.25.0 (2014-08-01)¶
New features
- Added projection file EPSG:32622 (fixes #1150)
- Now log addition and suppression of attachments in history
- Added notion of points of reference for treks (fixes #1105).
(Can be disabled with
) - Edit the parking location directly on the trek map (ref #387)
- Show enumeration of POIs in trek PDF exports (fixes #871)
BUG fixes
- Fix permission check to see attachments (fixes #1147, ref #1146)
- Fix grouping of interventions in detail pages (fixes #1145)
- Fix project total intervention cost (fixes #958)
- Fix history entries not being saved when using formsets (fixes #1139)
- Fix postal code being saved as integer (fixes #1138). Existing records will have a leading zero when shorter than 5 charaters.
- Fix bug when form of intervention on infrastracture is not valid
- Limit height of layer switcher on small screens (fixes #1136)
- Get rid of next parameter when redirecting to login when permission missing (fixes #1142)
- Fix apparence of main menu when permissions are missing to view logbook and admin (ref #1142)
Internal changes
- Rework display of lists in detail pages, better factorization
- Removed links in logbook list for certain models
- Display messages in login page too (useful for redirections)
Support edition of several fields on the same map, via django-leaflet new feature (fixes #53)
0.24.3 (2014-06-27)¶
BUG fixes
- Fix cursor not removed when terminating topology (fixes #1134)
- Fix information desk geometry hard-coded SRID
0.24.2 (2014-06-27)¶
BUG fixes
- Fix EPSG:32620 projection file
- Fix JS error when path layer is not on map
- Fix start and end markers not shown as snapped on path edition (fixes #1116)
- Fix groups not shown in Adminsite with external authent (fixes #1118)
- Use markers as mouse icons for topology creation, use resize cursors as fallback only (fixes #1100)
- Minor changes in trek print template (ref #1120)
0.24.1 (2014-06-26)¶
BUG fixes
- Fix SVG files for difficulty pictograms
- Fix group fixtures for “Rédacteurs” (fixes #1128)
- Fix tab “None” in list view (fixes #1127)
- Fix external datasources icons in Admin (fixes #1132)
- Fix information desk maps in Admin forms (fixes #1130)
- Fix topology edition when two forced passages on same path (fixes #1131)
Minor changes
- Ordered log entries by date descending (ref #1123)
- Renamed “Data sources” by “External data sources” (fixes #1125)
- Renamed “Foncier” to “Statuts” (fixes #1126)
0.24.0 (2014-06-23)¶
** Breaking changes **
- POI icons shall now have a solid background, since no background is added in trek detail map anymore.
- Pictograms fields were added to trek difficulty, route, network. You can use
the images provided in the
notes: | Just before upgrading, delete the following folders rm -rf lib/src/django-modeltranslation
After upgrading, mark all treks as published in the languages of your choice UPDATE o_t_itineraire SET public_fr = TRUE;
UPDATE o_t_itineraire SET date_publication = now();
New features
- Public TREK export - hide block label if value is empty (fixes #873)
- Add POIs on trek GPX (fixes #774)
- Close list filter when click outside (fixes #916)
- Rename recurrent field to subcontracting on intervention (fixes #911)
- Rename comments field to description on intervention (fixes #927)
- Show object type in ODT export (fixes #1000)
- Show paths extremities on map (fixes #355)
- Ability to reuse topology when adding objects from detail pages (fixes #574, fixes #998)
- Command to generate all elevation charts (fixes #799)
- SITRA support in Tourism datasources (fixes #1064)
- Added status field on feedback reports (fixes #1075)
- Show restricted areas by type in layer switcher (fixes #961)
- Publication status is now controlled by language (fixes #1003). Previous
behaviour can restored by setting
to False. - Added publication date on trek (ref #1003)
- Ability to see a trek in the different published languages (ref #1003)
- A trek can now have several information desks (fixes #1001)
- Information desks are now shown in trek detail map (fixes #1001)
- Information desks now have optional photo and position, as well as some additional fields (fixes #1001)
- Disabled marker cluster in trek detail map
- Remove background and halo effect on POI icons
- Added 3 new settings to control trek detail map icons size
Minor features
- Intervention disorders is not mandatory anymore (fixes #661)
- Improved details in trek form, use Chosen for many-to-many widgets
- Documented the configuration of map layers apparence
- Show layers colors in layer switcher
- Detail page : replace “Maintenance” by “Works” (fixes #889)
- Detail page : interventions on paths are now grouped together, and a small icon is shown (fixes #735)
- Detail page : show intervention costs (ref #958, fixes #764)
- Show project intervention total costs (fixes #958)
- Allow to override the Trek public document template (see advanced configuration in docs)
- Close calendar after date choice in intervention form (fixes #928)
- Renamed Attachment submit button (fixes #925)
- Added a new setting
to control paths snapping distance in database (default: 1m) - Allow to disable trails notion (fixes #997) (see advanced configuration in docs)
- Show POI name on hover instead of category in trek detail pages (fixes #1004)
- Form tabs are now always visible while scrolling (fixes #926)
- New URL to obtain the attached filelist of an object
- Remove float notation in altimetry altitude labels
- Control altimetry profiles font using
setting - Add pictograms to routes and networks (fixes #1102)
Bug fixes
- Fixed Signage and Infrastructure year filter label (fixes #293)
- Fixed paths layers not always shown below other layers (fixes #912)
- Clarify legend and title for attachments (fixes #888)
- Fixed cannot clear trek fields in database (fixes #1095)
- Fixed missing translation of “Load local file” (fixes #1085)
- POI types are displayed as such in adminsite
- Fix duplicate authors in history list in detail pages
Internal changes
- Added pictogram on difficulty, useful for Geotrek-mobile (fixes #1109)
- Added experimental Geotrek-light support (ref #1019)
0.23.5 (2014-06-19)¶
Bug fixes
- Fix crash when TourInFrance has malformed website or phone
- Fix translations not being installed
0.23.4 (2014-06-18)¶
Bug fixes
- Fix massive upgrade bug, where new migrations were ignored. Due to migration operation introduction in 0.22 installation script.
Special thanks to Noël Martinon, Félix Merzeau, Gil Deluermoz and Camille Montchicourt for their patience on this.
0.23.3 (2014-06-18)¶
** Bug fixes **
- Fix static files compression when using Google Mercator projection in maps
- Fix intermediary points order in topology de/serialization, and remove useless topology serialization optimizations (fixes #1031)
0.23.2 (2014-06-13)¶
** Bug fixes **
- Fixed land records not shown in detail pages
- Fixed JSON DEM area extent for treks
- Fixed targets list for tourism datasources (fixes #1091)
- Cache tourism datasources for one day (setting
) - Fix crashes with TourInFrance sources
- Add link to OSM in feedback email (fixes #1089, #1093)
- Fix feedback email translation (fixes #1087)
- Fix problem with permission check “read attachment” in detail page (fixes #1092)
- Fix measure control appearing twice in forms (fixes #1078)
- Fix 404 on download buttons from list views
- Fix POI translated fields not tabbed (fixes #1065)
- Fix missing translation of “Add a new POI” (fixes #1086)
- Fix invalid snapping when save path without editing geometry (fixes #1099)
- Add missing properties in feedback report detail page.
- Hide all modules information in report detail page.
- Add missing translations of feedback module.
- Show object type in ODT export (fixes #1000)
** Internal changes **
- Upgraded to Mapentity 1.4.0
- Upgraded to Leaflet 0.7.3
** Installation **
- Fixed content types migration of land to zoning apps (Thanks Noël Martinon)
- UbuntuGIS stable maintainers have upgraded (sic) GDAL to 1.10.0. Upgrading GDAL is painful, and PostGIS packages may have to be reinstalled (data shouldn’t be lost though). Remember it was recommended to run PostGIS on a different server.
notes: | On June 2th 2014, the Ubuntu GIS stable repository switched from It is a good thing, since it paves the way for the last Ubuntu LTS release (14.04). However, it breaks the Long Term Support philosophy of the previous one (12.04), supposed to be supported until 2019. Morality : we cannot trust the Ubuntu GIS stable repository anymore. Regarding Geotrek, such upgrades of Ubuntu packages is not supposed to be covered by its installation script. If you face any problems, please refer to the community or commercial support (such as Makina Corpus for example). |
0.23.1 (2014-05-22)¶
** Bug fixes **
- Fixed regression when editing topologies without modification
- Fixed widget for Trails to allow linear topologies only
0.23 (2014-05-22)¶
** Breaking changes **
Read all release notes carefully.
- Trails are now managed as topologies (fixes #370). Existing trails geometries are likely to be LOST (see below)
- Rename
- Permission systems has been refactored (see below)
** Bug fixes **
- Force browser cache revalidation of geojson data (fixes #843)
- Force browser cache revalidation for path graph (fixes #1029)
- Fix deletion porblems in AdminSite (fixes #1008)
- Trek advised parking and public transport are translatable (fixes #1024)
- Fix missing translation “no filters” and “current criterias” (fixes #884)
- Fix PDF versions of documents not being translated (fixes #1028)
** New features **
- Command to import shapefile with points into POI as topologies (fixes #952)
- Add views to serve DEM on object area as JSON (Geotrek-Rando 3D)
- New tourism module : external datasources can be configured from Adminsite (GeoJSON, TourInFrance, ...) and added to maps (by module, or published on Geotrek-rando...)
- Show number of attached files in tab (fixes #743)
- New permission to control download of attachments
- New permission to allow users or groups to bypass structure restrictions
- Add a setting to serve attached files as download (default: True) (fixes #976)
- Track objects creations, changes and deletions (fixes #300)
- Added a reader group (fixes #495)
- Topologies are not recreated if user did not edit field (fixes #833)
- Added static file for projection EPSG:32620
- Show land objects in menu (fixes #942)
- Documented configuration of custom projections (fixes #1037)
- Buttons in the list menu to add new objects easily
- Add fullscreen button on maps (fixes #904)
- Add all controls on detail map (fixes #907)
- Add a button to close filters (fixes #424)
- Added new sections in documention : FAQ, User-manal and Advanced configuration
** Internal changes **
- Enabled database connection pooling in production
- An error is raised if SRID has not unit in meters (fixes #921)
- Zoning and land modules are now splitted (fixes #954)
- Complete refactor of geographical form fields. Now uses django-mapentity from its own repository instead of internal orphan branch.
- Complete refactor of maps initialization, without inline preprocessed JavaScript
- Rely on Django permissions to control access to detail, list and exports (fixes #675)
- Core and altimetry modules are now splitted (fixes #996)
- Renamed treks POIs GeoJSON properties
notes: |
notes: |
0.22.6 (2014-04-27)¶
- Remove hard-coded mentions of EPSG:2154 in database initial migrations (fixes #1020)
- Fix version download and unzip in installation script.
Thanks Noël Martinon, from Guadeloupe National Park, for reporting both issues.
0.22.5 (2014-03-19)¶
- Fix compilation of translations (ref #970)
- Fix distinction between languages and translated languages (fixes #968)
- Fix history tabs not being shown after upgrade to Django 1.6 (fixes #975)
- Fix regression on land layer label colors (fixes #980)
- Fix attached files not shown after file upload/delete (fixes #933)
- Fix links being removed from trek descriptions (fixes #981)
- Fix missing thumbnail in trek and POI detail pages
- Fix black background on map captures (fixes #979)
- Increased scale text size on map captures (fixes #850)
- Show map attributions on map captures (fixes #852)
- Fix aspect ratios of map in trek public documents (fixes #849)
- Fix objects list not being filtered on map extent (fixes #982)
- Fix coherence of map layer when text search in objects list (fixes #702)
- Fix number of results not refresh on text search (fixes #865)
- Added north arrow in map image exports (fixes #851)
- Removed darker effect on backgrounds for map image exports, and added internal
advanced setting
0.22.4 (2014-03-06)¶
- Fix not compiling locale messages (fixes #965)
- Moved trek completeness fields to setting TREK_COMPLETENESS_FIELDS. Duration and difficulty were added, arrival was removed (fixes #967)
- Fix regression about source locale messages (fixes #970)
- Fix regression link Back to application lost from adminsite (fixes #971)
- Serve uploaded files as attachments (fixes #972)
- Remove help texts being shown from filter forms (fixes #966)
- Fix form pills for translated languages (fixes #968)
0.22.3 (2014-02-17)¶
- Fix help not being shown
- Fix screenshots being empty if deployed behind reverse proxy with rool url (fixes #687)
- Fix GPX file layer circle marker size (fixes #930)
- Remove JS libraries from login page
- Fix install.log being removed during installation
- Fix execution characters being shown during DB backup prompt
- Fix PhantomJS and CasperJS installation and deployment
- Added more automatic frontend tests
- Default allowed hosts is now *
0.22.2 (2014-02-14)¶
- Fix secured media URLs when using a non empty rooturl setting
- Fix proxy errors by disabling keep-alive (fixes #906)
0.22.1 (2014-02-13)¶
- Prevent install script to delete existing media files from disk in some situations.
0.22 (2014-02-12)¶
Before upgrade
Backup your database.
If you upgrade in the same application folder, first delete the geotrek sub-folder.
Use to upgrade (make deploy won’t be enough)
After upgrade, make sure the following query returns only ~23 results:
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM south_migrationhistory;
BREAKING changes
- For upgrades, Geotrek 0.21 is required.
- Uploaded files are now restricted to authenticated users (fixes #729)
notes: | Geotrek-rando 1.23 or higher is required to synchronize content. |
NEW features
- In list view, click on map brings to detail page, mouse over highlights in list.
- Show path icon if intervention is not on infrastructure (fixes #909)
- Add spanish translation
- Add photographie into default attachments filetype
- Map location combobox (Cities, Districts, Areas) are not shown if empty or disabled.
- Several database views have been created (fixes #934)
- Remove dots from path icon (fixes #939)
- Intervention, infrastructure and project filters list of years is now dynamic (fixes #948)
- Application available languages (english, french, italian, spanish) are now
distinct from translated content languages (languages value in
Minor changes
- Improved apparence of map controls
- Improved apparence of path intermediary points
- Improved apparence of form validation buttons
- Add auto-generated docs at /admin/doc/
- Nicer installation script output
Installation script
- Scan and ortho attributions can now be set using scan_attributions and
- Propose to backup DB before Geotrek upgrade (fixes #804)
- Settings edition prompt only happens at first install ortho_attributions in settings.ini.
BUG fixes
- Fix convert urls behind reverse proxy with prefix
- Fix deployment problem if
not overidden in settings.ini - Fix topology kinds to be ‘INTERVENTION’ for intervention without signage/infrastructure
- Fix restricted areas types display in admin (fixes #943)
- Fix list ordering of trek relationships and web links (fixes #929)
- Fix nginx log files being already empty after logrotate (fixes #932)
- Fix project add button when no permission
notes: | List of restricted areas is not shown on map by default anymore. Restore previous behaviour with advanced setting LAND_BBOX_AREAS_ENABLED as True. |
Internal changes
- Upgrade to Django 1.6 (fixes #938)
- Upgrade to Leaflet 0.7
- Upgrade a great number to python and JavaScript libraries
- An internal user (with login permission) is used to authenticate the Conversion and Capture services.
- Installation script is modular (standalone, geotrek only, ...)
- Developement server now listens on all interfaces by default
- Database migrations were resetted, no postgres FATAL ERROR message will be emitted on fresh install anymore (fixes #937). See Troubleshooting in documentation.
0.21.2 (2014-02-04)¶
BUG fixes
- Warn on tiling landscape/portrait spatial extent only if map with local projection
- Safety check on thumbnailing if images are missing from disk (useful for troubleshooting, when importing existing dumps).
- Fix overlapping filter if no records present (fixes #931)
0.21.1 (2013-12-11)¶
- Smooth DEM drapping, improving altimetric information and profiles (fixes #840, ref #776)
BUG fixes
- Signage forms are now restricted by structure (fixes #917)
- Fix geometries computation when path split occurs on return topology (fixes #899)
- Add title on links in list views (fixes #913)
- Prevent horizontal scroll on forms, caused by textareas (fixes #914)
- Fix empty 3d geometry of point topologies with offset (fixes #918)
notes: | In order to recompute all paths topologies altimetry information, you can perform the following queries:
Reading information from rasters is costly. Be prepared to wait for a while. |
0.21 (2013-11-28)¶
- Increase height of multiple select (fixes #891)
- Add project field in intervention filter (fixes #896)
- Many minor improvements for infrastructures in adminsite (fixes #886)
- Add category in intervention filter (fixes #887)
BUG fixes
- Fix KML coordinates not being in 3D.
- GPX now has trek description (fixes #775)
- Order overlapping topologies by order of progression (fixes #777)
- Improved TinyMCE configuration, for resize and cleanup (fixes #351, #711)
- Changed trek duration interval for notion of days (fixes #880)
- Show city departure in trek public export (fixes #881)
- Document customization of TinyMCE config (fixes #882)
- Fix 404 error on path delete (fixes #900)
- Fix project constraints not being displayed in details (fixes #893)
- Fix organism translation in project form (fixes #892)
- Fix apparence of forms on small screen (fixes #744, #902)
- Fix modify button being hidden to editors (fixes #901)
- Fix overlap between map controls and label (fixes #883)
- Fix translation of district in list filters (fixes #890)
- Fix integrity error on land intersection on path update (fixes #897)
- Fix form layout problems (fixes #712, #879)
0.20.9 (2013-10-30)¶
- Fix altimetric profile if topology geometry is wrong (fixes #875)
- Fix apparence of creation button in intervention list (fixes #877)
- Fix topology geometries that were sampled like paths 3D geometry (fixes #878)
- Fix topology lines geometries join in some situations (ref #722)
- Fix topology not well displayed if start/end on intersection (fixes #874)
0.20.8 (2013-10-22)¶
- Public trek export : Fix various layout regressions (ref #848)
- Public trek export : Show POI theme pictogram (fixes #858)
- Public trek export : full width for information desk frame (fixes #856)
- Public trek export : add footer with trek title and page numbers (fixes #861)
- Public trek export : add floating picture in POI detail (fixes #860)
- Public trek export : fix POI thumbnails missing (fixes #869)
- Fix point offset lost on path update (fixes #867)
- Fix reconnect point topologies with offset to closest path (fixes #868)
0.20.7 (2013-10-16)¶
- Fix topology geometry 3D being draped twice (fixes #863)
- Altimetric profile : Show max distance and round values (fixes #853)
- Altimetric profile : Add settings for colors (fixes #854)
- Public trek export : POIs list in two columns (fixes #855)
- Public trek export : POIs details without column break (fixes #857)
- Public trek export : Show pictures attributions (fixes #859)
- Public trek export : Use 10pt fonts in every text blocks (fixes #848)
notes: | # Empty profiles cache rm -rf var/media/profiles/* |
0.20.6 (2013-10-14)¶
- Remove 3D from JS WKT serializer
- Safety check if path is less than 1m
- Remove mentions of 2154 projection in schema migrations
- Fix performance issues in altimetric JSON (fixes #845)
- Fix filter forms missing from Trek and POI lists (fixes #847)
- Fix empty Nginx log files (fixes #846)
0.20.5 (2013-10-09)¶
- Fix migration of draping utility function
0.20.4 (2013-10-09)¶
- Fix sort stake by id (level) (fixes #835)
- Rename stake to maintenance stake (fixes #834)
- Add validity to path filter (fixes #836)
- Do not redrape topology geometries, use path 3D geometry (fixes #832)
- Fix document export of Trail objects (fixes #839)
- Fix trail helpers for land layers (fixes #838, ref #842)
- Fix install on fresh folder, missing folder
(fixes #844)
0.20.3 (2013-09-30)¶
BUG fixes
- Fix typo in french translation of Properties (fixes #815)
- Fix missing description from infrastructure/signage detail page (fixes #816)
- Fix Cities / Districts / Restricted Areas in project detail page (fixes #817)
- Fix only deleted topology can have geom = NULL (fixes #818)
- Fix geometries not editable in QGis by switching path and topologies geometries to 2D (fixes #688)
- Fix altimetric sampling precision setting not taken in account in SQL (ref #776)
0.20.2 (2013-08-27)¶
- Fix convert urls behind reverse proxy with prefix
- Fix Trek public print conversion
- Fix display of trek length in public document (one decimal only)
- Fix altimetric graph delaying map display in detail pages
notes: | # Empty maps captures cache rm -rf var/media/maps/trek-* |
0.20.1 (2013-08-26)¶
- Add DB index for start and end columns
- Merge gunicorn logs with respective applications logs
- Lower logging level in production (WARNING -> INFO)
BUG fixes
- Fix deployment error with application’s TITLE
- Fix deployment errors with mandatory external authent values
- Fix trek export layout: fit map image and altimetric profile in one page.
0.20 (2013-08-23)¶
- Edit difficulty id in Admin site, mainly used to order difficulty levels (fixes #771)
- Use explicit list of fields in forms, instead of excluding model fields (fixes #736). Issue #712 was closed too, since most suspected cause was field listings. Please re-open if problem re-appears.
- Fix timeout on POI Shapefile and CSV exports (fixes #672)
- Altimetric profiles are now computed in PostGIS (fixes #778, #779)
- Positive and negative ascents are now computed using more DEM resolution (fixes #776)
notes: | Setting PROFILE_MAXSIZE was replaced by ALTIMETRIC_PROFILE_PRECISION which
controls sampling precision in meters (default: 20 meters) |
- Altimetric profiles were removed from object map images
- Altimetric profiles are now plotted using SVG
- Altimetric profiles are now inserted into path documents and trek public printouts (ref #626)
- Fix deletion of associated interventions when editing infrastructures (fixes #783)
- Latest record is updated (touch) when a DELETE is performed on table (refreshs cache) (fixes #698)
- Reworked settings mechanism to follow Django best practices
notes: | Replace all computed values from etc/settings.ini . For example, replace “60 * 60”
by 3600. (You can increase this value to several hours by the way) |
- Allow server host to capture pages (fixes #733)
- Adjust map capture according to geometry aspect ratio (fixes #627)
- Always show path layer in detail pages (fixes #781)
- Fix restore of topology on loop paths (fixes #760)
- Fix topology construction when loop is formed by two convergent paths (fixes #768)
- Added small tool page at
to visualize configured extents (ref #732) - Removed setting
, now computed automatically fromspatial_extent
, with a padding of 10%.
notes: | Have a look at conf/settings.ini.sample to clean-up unnecessary values from your
settings file. |
- Fix paths offset for portrait spatial extent (fixes #732)
- Rely on Tilecache default max resolution formulae (fixes #732)
- Due to bug in Leaflet/Proj4Leaflet ( landscape spatial extents are not supported. Please adjust spatial_extent to be a portrait or square, or application will raise ImproperlyConfiguredError.
- Reload map objects on zoom out too (fixes #435)
- Fix computation of min_elevation for point topologies (fixes #808)
notes: | In order to recompute all paths topologies altimetry information, you can perform
the following query: UPDATE e_t_evenement SET decallage = decallage; .
Reading information from rasters is costly. Be prepared to wait for a while. |
0.19.1 (2013-07-15)¶
- Restore
property in Trek GeoJSON layer
0.19 (2013-07-12)¶
- Intervention length field (readonly if geometry is line)
- Fix apparence bug if no rights to add treks and pois (fixes #713)
- Fix extremities snapping (fixes #718)
- Show information desk in trek detail page (fixes #719)
- Fix topology adjustments after path split (fixes #720)
- On edition show global line orientation instead of individual paths (fixes #679)
- Fix invalid topology if trek goes twice on same path (fixes #671)
- Overlapping is now more precise (fixes #710)
- Reworked trek print layout
- Fix topology building if paths are taken twice (fixes #722)
- Fix tiling offset with horizontal bboxes
- Fix display of POI layer by default on list (fixes #696)
- Fix translation of not validated paths (fixes #730)
- Fix error if topology is required and empty (fixes #745)
- Fix duplication of N-N relations on path split (fixes #738)
- Fix project map in detail page (fixes #734)
- Fix project listed deleted interventions (fixes #739)
- Fix project listed infrastructures through interventions (fixes #740)
- Fix saving intervention form on infrastructure
- Repair serializing of properties after upgrade of django-geojson (fixes #755)
- Added
to trek JSON detail API (fixes #758) - Repair land layers colors after upgrade of django-geojson
- Upgraded to django-geojson 2.0
- Upgraded to Django 1.5
notes: | Specify allowed host (server IP) in etc/settings.ini (for example):
* host =
Empty object caches:
* sudo /etc/init.d/memcached restart
* rm -rf ./var/cache/* |
0.18 (2013-06-06)¶
- Add pretty trek duration in JSON
- Add information desk field in Trek (fixes #624)
0.17 (2013-05-17)¶
- Show trek duration as human readable in minutes, hours and days (fixes #471, #683)
- Fix hover on paths that interfered with clic for topology creation (fixes #680)
- Run API urls on different workers (ref #672)
- Fix redirect to root url after logout (fixes #264)
- Fix redirect to next after login (fixes #381)
- Switch to Memcached instead of local memory in production
- Move secret key to settings.ini
- Relate paperclip FileType to Structure (fixes #256)
- Relate PhysicalTypes to Structure (fixes #255)
- Relate Organisms to Structure (fixes #263)
- Compute max_resolution automatically
- Fix creation and edition of interventions on infrastructures (fixes #678)
- Change default objects color to yellow
- Restored Italian translations
- Fix regex for RAISE NOTICE (fixes #673)
- Initial public version
See project history in docs/history.rst (French).