These instructions will install Geotrek on a dedicated server for production. For a developer instance, please follow the dedicated procedure.
- Ubuntu Server 16.04 Xenial Xerus ( or Ubuntu Server 14.04 Trusty Tahr (
A first estimation on system resources is :
- 2 Go RAM
- 10 Go disk space
Once the OS is installed (basic installation, with OpenSSH server), log in with your linux user (not root).
Make sure you are in the user folder :
cd /home/mylinuxuser
Create a folder where you will install Geotrek-admin :
mkdir Geotrek-admin
cd Geotrek-admin
Install the latest version with the following commands (X.Y.Z to replace with the latest stable version number : :
curl >
chmod +x
You will be prompt for editing the base configuration file (settings.ini
using the default editor.
notes: | If you leave localhost for the database host ( In order to use a remote server (recommended), set the appropriate values for the connection. The connection must be operational (it will be tested during install). |
To make sure the application runs well after a reboot, try now : sudo reboot
And access the application http://yourserver/
You will be prompted for login, jump to loading data section, to create the admin user and fill the database with your data!
Software update¶
All versions are published on the Github forge. Download and extract the new version in a separate folder (recommended).
cd Geotrek-X.Y.Z/
Before upgrading, READ CAREFULLY the release notes, either from the docs/changelog.rst
files or online.
Shutdown previous running version :
# Shutdown previous version
sudo supervisorctl stop all
Copy your old configuration and uploaded files to your new folder.
# Configuration files
cp -aR ../previous-version/etc/ .
# Uploaded files
cp -aR ../previous-version/var/ .
# If you have advanced settings
cp ../previous-version/geotrek/settings/ geotrek/settings/
# If you have import parsers
cp ../previous-version/bulkimport/ bulkimport/
Deploy the new version :
# Re-run install
# Empty cache
sudo service memcached restart
Check the version on the login page !
note: | Shutting down the current instance may not be necessary. But this allows us to keep a generic software update procedure. If you don’t want to interrupt the service, skip the |
Check out the troubleshooting page for common problems.
Server migration¶
It is a new installation with an additional backup/restore and a file transfert in between. The commands below are examples to adapt to your actual configuration (server names, database configuration).
Backup settings, media files and database on the old server:
cd Geotrek
sudo -u postgres pg_dump -Fc geotrekdb > geotrekdb.backup
tar cvzf data.tgz geotrekdb.backup var/static/ var/media/paperclip/ var/media/upload/ etc/settings.ini geotrek/settings/
Get and unzip Geotrek sources on the new server:
mv Geotrek-2.0.0 Geotrek
cd Geotrek
Restore files on the new server:
scp old_server:Geotrek/data.tgz .
tar xvzf data.tgz
Then edit etc/settings.ini to update host variable and geotrek/settings/ to update IGN key.
Install Geotrek on the new server:
Restore database on the new server:
sudo supervisorctl stop all
sudo -u postgres psql -c "drop database geotrekdb;"
sudo -u postgres psql -c "create database geotrekdb owner geotrek;"
sudo -u postgres pg_restore -d geotrekdb geotrekdb.backup
make update
sudo supervisorctl start all
Tips and Tricks¶
- Use symlinks for uploaded files and cached tiles to avoid duplicating them on disk:
mv var/tiles ~/tiles
ln -s ~/tiles `pwd`/var/tiles
mv var/media ~/media
ln -s ~/media `pwd`/var/media
- Speed-up upgrades by caching downloads :
mkdir ~/downloads
mkdir ~/.buildout
Create /home/sentiers/.buildout/default.cfg
download-cache = /home/sentiers/downloads