Sensitivity module is disabled by default. To enable it, add the following code in the custom settings file:
# Enable sensitivity module
INSTALLED_APPS += ('geotrek.sensitivity', )
The following settings are related to sensitive areas:
# Default radius of sensitivity bubbles when not specified for species
# Buffer around treks to intersects sensitive areas
Import from¶
In user interface, in the top-right menu, clic on “Imports” and choose “Biodiv’Sports”.
On command line, run
sudo geotrek import geotrek.sensitivity.parsers.BiodivParser
Import from shapefile¶
In user interface, in the top-right menu, go to Imports and choose “Shapefile zone sensible espèce” or “Shapefile zone sensible réglementaire”.
On command line, run:
sudo geotrek import geotrek.sensitivity.parsers.SpeciesSensitiveAreaShapeParser <file.shp>
sudo geotrek import geotrek.sensitivity.parsers.RegulatorySensitiveAreaShapeParser <file.shp>.
Attributes for “zones sensibles espèce” are:
- espece : species name. Mandatory. A species with this name must have been previously created.
- contact : contact (text or HTML format). Optional.
- descriptio : description (text or HTML format). Optional.
Attributes for “zones sensibles réglementaires” are:
- name: zone name.
- contact : contact (text or HTML format). Optional.
- descriptio : description (text or HTML format). Optional.
- periode : month numbers of zone occupation, separated by comas, without spaces (ex. « 6,7,8 » for june, july and august)
- pratiques : sport practices names, separated by comas, without spaces (ex. « Terrestre,Aérien »). A sport practice with this name must have been previously created.
- url : card url. Optional.
Sync to Geotrek-rando¶
Just run:
sudo geotrek sync_rando <parameters>
as usual. If sensitivity module is enabled, sensitive areas will be automatically synced.