Ubuntu package¶
Use these instructions to install Geotrek-admin in an easy way on a dedicated Ubuntu Focal Fossa 20.04 LTS server for production. For another distributions, please use the Docker installation method. It requires more technical skills. Lastly, for a developer instance, please follow the dedicated procedure.
Geotrek is mostly a CPU-bound application due to the complex queries including geometric operations (such as intersection) which are executed on the database. This is especially true in the setup with a Geotrek Rando v3 portal requesting dynamic geometric data through the Geotrek API.
In such a configuration the required system resources should be:
4 cores
8 Go RAM or more
50 Go disk space or more (20 Go + estimated size of attached files like photos, including elements imported from SIT)
If spreading the components on multiple hosts keep in mind the bottleneck will most likely be the CPU and RAM at the database server level.
Software requirements are :
Ubuntu Focal Fossa 20.04 LTS. Server flavor is recommended but any other flavors work too (desktop…)
An Internet connection with open HTTP and HTTPS destination ports is required.
Information to prepare before installation¶
These information will be asked during the installation process and are the basic configuration of Geotrek-admin:
The domain name or IP to use to access to Geotrek-admin web application.
Rando server name: the domain name to use to access to Geotrek-rando website (optional, if appropriate).
PostgreSQL host, port, user, password and DB name if you use an external DB server.
The SRID of the projection to use to store geometries. The projection must match your geographic area and coordinates must be in meters.
The list of languages into which translation of contents will be made
The name or acronym of your organization
Fresh installation¶
Run the following command in a shell prompt on your server:
curl | bash
If you don’t want to use a local database, you can run the following command instead. This will prevent the script to install PostgreSQL server locally. Don’t forget to enable PostGIS extension in your remote database before installation.
curl | bash -s - --nodb
Then create the application administrator account and connect to the web interface.
sudo geotrek createsuperuser
If you are not confident with the
script, or if you are having troubles, you can do the same operations by hand:
deb bionic main
to APT sources list.Add to apt keyring.
apt-get update
If you want to use a local database, install the pgRouting package by running
sudo apt install -y postgresql-pgrouting wget software-properties-common
(before installing Geotrek-admin, not at the same time). If not, you must create database and enable PostGIS, pgRouting and pgcrypto extensions before.Install the Geotrek-admin package (
sudo apt install geotrek-admin
Geotrek-admin is automatically installed in /opt/geotrek-admin/
The installation automatically creates an internal geotrek
linux user, owner of this directory
The Geotrek-admin Python application is located in /opt/geotrek-admin/lib/python3.6/site-packages/geotrek
Extra steps¶
We highly recommend installing an antivirus software to regularly scan uploaded files located under /opt/geotrek-admin/var/media/
Here is the installation process for ClamAV :
apt install clamav
Prepare quarantine folder for suspicious files :
mkdir /var/lib/clamav/quarantine/
chmod 700 /var/lib/clamav/quarantine/
Configure ClamAV via cron, to scan the folder once a day, put suspicious files in quarantine, and raise email alerts, by creating file /etc/cron.daily/clamscan
with the following content :
nice -n 15 ionice -c 3 clamscan --recursive --allmatch --suppress-ok-results --no-summary --infected --scan-mail=no --log=/var/log/clamav/scan-report.$(date -Iseconds) /opt/geotrek-admin/var/media/ |mail -E -s "ClamAV report for $(hostname)"
# Cleanup old files in quarantine (> 90 days)
find /var/lib/clamav/quarantine/ -type f -mtime +90 -delete
# Cleanup old scan reports (> 365 days)
find /var/log/clamav/ -type f -name "scan-report.*" -mtime +365 -delete
Make sure to change alert recepient (
above) and make this cron file executable :
chmod 700 /etc/cron.daily/clamscan
If a suspicious file is put in quarantine, you will need to manually delete the corresponding attachment from Geotrek-Admin (since the file for this attachment has moved to the quarantine folder, it will no longer be found).
apt-get remove geotrek-admin
Media files will be left in /opt/geotrek-admin/var
directory. To remove them, run:
apt-get purge geotrek-admin
To remove dependencies (convertit, screamshooter…), run:
apt-get autoremove
PostgreSQL and its database will not be removed by these commands. If need be, remove them manually.
Docker is an alternative installation method, recommended for experts only. It allows to install several instances of Geotrek-admin on the same serveur, and to install it on other distributions than Ubuntu Linux 18.04.
Install Docker and Docker Compose, either from your distribution or from upstream packages (cf.
Download the code from or checkout it with git from
Unzip the tarball
Copy docker/install folder where you want
to feed your needs if necessaryCopy
and edit to feed your needs if necessary. Leave theGUNICORN_CMD_ARGS
variable only if you’re not using any other scaling system.Create user and database, enable PostGIS extension
docker compose run --rm web
docker compose up
Install NGINX (or equivalent) and add a configuration file (taking inspiration from
Management commands¶
Replace sudo geotrek …
commands by cd <install directory>; docker compose run --rm web ./ …
Replace sudo dpkg-reconfigure geotrek-admin
by cd <install directory>; docker compose run --rm web
To load minimal data and create an application superuser, run:
docker compose run --rm web
docker compose run --rm web ./ createsuperuser