
Geotrek-admin, the web application
Convertit, a Web API to convert document and image formats (.odt to .doc, .svg to .png)
Screamshotter, a Web API to perform Web pages screenshots (map image exports).
Main components¶
The whole project is built on top of mapentity, a generic application in charge of:
Menus and models registry
List/Detail/Create/Update/Delete views
Map images exports
File attachment
Document export
Shapefile/GPX/CSV serializers
For a Django model, we use the registry to activate all views and menus:

Business specific notions are implemented in Geotrek-admin respective applications:
common: shared concepts between all applications (Organism, utils, …)
authent: groups, user, profile and structure notions. Optional external authent backend.
core: paths, snapping, spatial referencing (topologies)
land: physical types, competence, signage and work management
infrastructure: buildings
signage: signages and blades related content
maintenance: interventions (on paths or on infrastructures) and projects
trekking: POIs and treks
outdoor: outdoor sites and courses
zoning: static cities/districts/restricted areas layers
altimetry: elevation, DEM
api: manage all external communications interfaces (api v2, mobile)
cirkwi: implementation of cirkwi related api
feedback: feedbacks content, implementation of suricate workflow
flatpages: flatpages models, used for publishing content on rando and mobile apps
sensitivity: sensitive areas and species related content, link with Biodiv’Sport
tourism: touristic contents and events, links with SIT (apidae, tourinsoft)
Django conventions twists¶
We have a couple of Django conventions infringements:
SQL triggers everywhere: since Geotrek-admin database is to become the central storage component of all territory organisation data, it has to behave consistently whether data is modified through the Web application or raw access tools (pgadmin, QGIS). (For example, insertion & update timestamps, geometry computation or DEM wrapping.)
Safe delete: update field
deleted = True
instead of performing actual delete in table. Requires every querysets to be filtered on deleted. (TODO: use dango-safedelete, issue 813)
Main roles of PostgreSQL triggers¶
Automatic computation of fields :
Date insert/update
Geometry computation of linear referencing (topologies)
DEM elevation wrapping (3D length, slope, etc.)
Topological path network :
Split paths at intersection
Snap paths extremities