Loading data

Prerequisites for your data


  • WMTS protocol

  • WebMercator Projection


  • Only LineString geometries

  • Simple geometries

  • Not overlapping

If possible:

  • Connex graph

  • Name column

  • Data source

Formats: Shapefile or pure SQL dump (CREATE TABLE + INSERT)


  • Cities polygons (Shapefile or SQL, simple and valid Multi-Polygons)

  • Districts (Shapefile ou SQL, simple and valid Multi-Polygons)

  • Restricted Areas (Shapefile ou SQL, simple and valid Multi-Polygons)


  • Languages list

  • Structures list (and default one)

Load MNT raster

In QGIS, you can visualize your DEM, or merge several tiles together (in Raster > Misc > Merge).

Generate a GeoTIFF, and upload both files (.tif + .tfw) on the server. And use the Geotrek-admin command to load it into PostGIS :

sudo geotrek loaddem <PATH>/dem.tif


This command makes use of GDAL and raster2pgsql internally. It therefore supports all GDAL raster input formats. You can list these formats with the command raster2pgsql -G.


The elevation data of DEM must be integer values. If the elevation data are floating numbers, you can convert them in integer values with the Raster calculator processing of SAGA in QGis (Processing > Toolbox > SAGA > Raster calculus > Raster calculator) with formula parameter set to int(a).


If you only have a .tif file, you can generate the .tfw file with the command gdal_translate -co "TFW=YES" in.tif out.tif. It will generate a new .tif file with its .tfw metadata file.


If you want to update the altimetry of the topologies you need to use the option : –update-altimery