

cp .env.dist .env
# Edit .env if need be
docker compose build
docker compose run --rm web
docker compose run --rm web
docker compose run --rm web ./ createsuperuser
docker compose up

Edit /etc/hosts file to add geotrek.local alias to

Go to http://geotrek.local:8000 in your browser

PDF generation might not work unless you use this domain and is correctly set to SERVER_NAME variable in your .env file.

Install git hooks

  • Several git hooks are available to prevent pushing to master branch or launch quality tests before committing. Install them with following commands:

ln -s -f ../../.githooks/pre-push .git/hooks/pre-push
ln -s -f ../../.githooks/pre-commit .git/hooks/pre-commit

Adding or upgrade dependencies

Consider using pip-tools to manage dependencies.

  • add your dependencies in for general dependencies, for dev dependencies, then run:

make deps


docker compose run --rm web pip-compile
docker compose run --rm web pip-compile

Model modification

docker compose run --rm web ./ makemigrations <appName>
docker compose run --rm web ./ migrate


Add migration file to source control.

Definition of Done for new model fields

When updating or adding a new field my_field to a model MyModel, please proceed with the following changes to ensure this field is included in existing functionalities.

In MyModel class :

  • If my_field is a ForeignKey:

    • make sure to override related_name with an explicit set name

    • if my_field causes cascading deletion (argument on_delete=models.CASCADE), make sure to log potential deletions (see example log_cascade_deletion_from_sector_practice in geotrek/outdoor/

  • Make sure to set verbose_name on the field and add proper translations in .po files

Outside of model class :

  • To display my_field in detail views, add a row in template mymodel_detail_attributes.html

  • Look for form class MyModelForm(CommonForm) :

    • If it exists, and field needs to be included in form, add my_field to form attributes (fields on the Meta class, sometimes fieldslayout as well).

    • If field is added to the form and is optional, please add my_field to the documentation for hideable form fields : in docs/advanced-configuration.rst look for HIDDEN_FORM_FIELDS['mymodel'] and add your field to the list.

  • Look for list view class MyModelList(CustomColumnsMixin, MapEntityList) :

    • If it exists, please add my_field to the documentation for custom list view columns : in docs/advanced-configuration.rst look for COLUMNS_LISTS['mymodel_view'] and add your field to the list.

    • If it exists, and if you wish to display a column for my_field in the list view for this model by default, simply add my_field to default_extra_colums on this class.

  • Look for exports view class MyModelFormatList(MapEntityFormat, MyModelList) :

    • If it exists, please add my_field to the documentation for custom list exports columns : in docs/advanced-configuration.rst look for COLUMNS_LISTS['mymodel_export'] and add your field to the list.

    • If it exists, and if you wish to display a column for my_field in CSV/SHP exports for this model by default, simply add my_field to default_extra_colums on this class.

  • Follow the documentation you just edited to test that custom columns and hideable fields do work properly with your new field.

  • Look for sql file defaults geotrek/{app_name}/sql/post_90_defaults.sql :

    • If it exists find your modelname in the list and depending on the default value alter column my_field or add -- my_field

    • If the modelname doesn’t exist, create a new section (even if you don’t need to alter column)

  • Look for sql view file geotrek/{app_name}/sql/post_20_views.sql and update the view for your model with an alias for the new field

In API v2 :

If MyModel is served by APIv2, make sure to add a serializer for the new field in geotrek/api/v2/ and if you wish to filter on this field, create a new filter and add it to the right ViewSet under geotrek/api/v2/views, using attribute filter_backends.

When updating a field my_field in a model MyModel for new_field, check if this field is translated in geotrek/{app}/

If so, you need to add a migration just after the migration generated by Django. This migration should rename the old fields generated by modeltranslation my_field_en by new_field_en (example : geotrek/trekking/migrations/

Check quality



make flake8


docker compose run --rm web flake8 geotrek

Run tests

Django tests :


make coverage

To run all test suites and report global coverage

To run a specific test suite, run:

make tests


docker compose run --rm -e ENV=tests web ./ test


make tests_nds


docker compose run --rm -e ENV=tests_nds web ./ test

Cypress tests :

Create an empty project with Docker :

docker compose down
docker compose up -d

Install elements for the cypress tests

make load_data
make load_test_integration
make load_test_integration_workflow

Move in cypress folder and install

cd cypress
npm ci

Launch tests

./node_modules/.bin/cypress run

Pictures of the problem and videos are generated in cypress/videos and cypress/screenshots.

Database reset

Data only:

docker compose run --rm web ./ flush

Restore existing Database

Assuming a dump of your database is located in your project directory:

docker compose run --rm web pg_restore --clean --no-owner --no-acl -h $POSTGRES_HOST -U $POSTGRES_USER -d $POSTGRES_DB /opt/geotrek-admin/<path_to_backup>.dump

Restore your ./var/conf/ project files, and data files into ./var/media.

Then run a synchronization.

Mapentity development

See Django-Mapentity documentation

UML diagrams of data model

UML diagrams of Geotrek-admin data models are available in docs/data-model directory. To regenerate them from PostgreSQL, install postgresql-autodoc and graphviz Ubuntu packages and run make uml.